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SendGrid is a leading cloud-based email delivery and marketing platform, equipping businesses with the means to effectively oversee their email communications.


You must have Sendgrid account.

1 Go to Dashboard > Notifications > Email > Email Providers.

2 Click on + ADD PROVIDER

3 You will be directed to the New Email Provider page. All the available providers will be displayed here.


4 Click on SendGrid.

5 You will taken to the SendGrid configs page. To get the necessary configs, follow the further steps.


  • Log in to your Sendgrid account.

  • Configure your domain to enable sending emails from SendGrid using your domain.

  • To add your domain, go to Settings > Sender Authentication > Domain Authentication, add a whitelabel domain here.

  • Go to Settings > API Keys, create a new API and copy to clipboard. (Enable Email Messaging.)

6 Navigate back to your Dashboard and input the API.

7 After providing the necessary configurations.

8 Click on TEST CONFIGURATION to ensure the configuration looks good.

Test Configuration

9 Provide email address and click on SUBMIT.

10 If everything is set up correctly, a test success email will be sent to the email address you provided earlier. Click on SAVE.

Know more

Amazon SES



SMTP Provider
